Sep 13, 2016 | Aquarium Plants, Aquatic Plants
Glossostigma elatinoides – carpet aquarium plants ...
Oct 1, 2012 | Aquarium Plants, Aquatic Plants
Here I would like to describe as another way we can use the aquarium plants. We need only to this: a glass vessel, some water, balls fertilizer and some aquatic plants. First of all, find fancy glass vessel. It could be a pot, sugar bowl, salad bowl or simple...
Sep 6, 2012 | Aquarium Plants, Aquatic Plants, Goldfish
Many aqaurist have problem with goldfish that eating aquarium plants. Yes this is a problem, but when we think from the other site. Goldfsih like aquarium plants. Them grow healthy and gain beautiful colors. Best plants are this witch grow fast and are eaten with...
Sep 3, 2012 | Aquarium Plants, Aquatic Plants
A general description NOTE click on picture to enlarge it. Multiplication Lileopsis We buy mostly loose Lilaeopsis. Planted in clumps in mineral wool ( see photo ) or planted in basket with mineral wool ( see photo ). Before plant Lileaopsis we should wash seedlings...
Aug 15, 2012 | Aquarium Plants, Aquatic Plants
Water Pennywort – Hydrocotyle leucocephala In nature Pennywort is forming a floating turf. In aquarium also it looks very attractive when it floats on the surface. Another way to manage our home ecosystem, is to plant Hydrocotyle on the bottom of our aquarium....
Aug 15, 2012 | Aquarium Plants, Aquatic Plants
1. Simply cut the nodes of plant. Have a look on a photo. 2. Cuted stems you can plant nearby existing. 3. Your cut plant will branch out. And you will have more bushy Althernathera rubra. See our Store, and buy some cute live aquarium...
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